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Your tax-deductible donations help the Friends of the Stafford County Animal Shelter (FOSCAS) provide vital support and care to animals suffering from illness, injury, neglect, abandonment or abuse. You can donate on a one-time basis or set up recurring payments for continuous support. If you would like to make a donation to recognize a special event or honor the memory of a loved one or beloved pet, please let us know in the Special Instructions section of the donation form (if you wish us to share, you may also email us a photo of your special pet). *Once the special needs request is met, the FOSCAS will put any remaining funds toward the care of other shelter animals.
Click the Donate button to be directed to a secure site to make your donation. To donate by mail, send a check payable to: Friends of the Stafford County Animal Shelter P.O. Box 417 Garrisonville, Virginia 22463
Donate a Dewormer Treatment
Donate a Distemper or FVRCP Vaccine
Donate a
Donate a
Spay or
a Cat
Spay or
a Dog
Special Care
for a
Shelter Pet
Save a Life
Emergency Care
for a Shelter Pet
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