***EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE NEEDED*** This adorable kitten was found abandoned and brought into the Stafford County Animal Shelter. She is around 6 weeks old. Right away it was discovered there was something wrong with her leg. White Oak Animal Hospital evaluated her and determined that her femur is fractured beyond repair so the leg will need to be removed. They suspect she was stepped on. Currently, she is safe in a foster home with a foster Mommy cat that has accepted her as one of her own. We are raising the funds to have her surgery performed. We would like to raise $500 which will cover the cost of the surgery plus follow-up care. {Any additional funds raised will be used for the next shelter pet in need}. Please help spread the word and thank you for caring <3
Sara with her "adopted" Mommy <3

Here's sweet little Sara with her new foster mommy and new brother and sister. We are so excited this family accepted her as their own. ♡♡
As always, thank you for your support! The shelter animals are grateful.
{Any additional funds will be used for future SCAS pet needs.}